..... as for us humans, health is also very important for your horses. Only a healthy horse can achieve top performance and success in sport, breeding and keeping.

In the course of time and due to climate changes, we all have to struggle with complaints and illnesses again and again. This is also not uncommon with horses. A weakened immune system in particular provides a breeding ground for pathogens.

The respiratory tract often suffers, which can lead to chronic diseases of the lungs.

Possible causes often lie in the details. Like moldy hay, quality changes of the food or not to forget too short regeneration phases for the animal after coughs or colds. This can lead to secondary diseases, which can also infect other animals.

Already well known in human medicine, halotherapy in combination with brine is a helpful method for problems with the respiratory tract.

"Halotherapy or aerosol therapy is the inhalation of finely dispersed, liquid or solid suspended particles via the respiratory tract."


Brine inhalations are used for diseases of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is well suited to support self-healing, prophylaxis of respiratory diseases and to alleviate complaints.

The SALTair_cavallo system TOUR is available in two versions:

The 5star is designed for rooms/boxes up to approx. 35 sqm and the 3star for trailers/boxes up to approx. 20 sqm.

The user fills the tank with his own brine solution (distilled water and salt, recommended solution 3 - 4 %).  Higher dosages are technically possible, but should always be clarified with a doctor beforehand as to necessity, duration and possible irritation and should only be carried out under professional supervision. The gentle SALTair_cavallo climate allows the animals to inhale in their familiar environment without putting on a mask so that after regular use the animals can get used to the system and also eat hay.


The system is switched on via a remote control. In the ultrasonic nebuliser, the salt-water mixture is excited to high-frequency vibrations by the vibrating ultrasonic membranes. This causes very fine water droplets to split off on the water surface in the form of a cold salty mist.


The brine mist is ejected from the tank with the aid of a ventilation system that works synchronously with the nebuliser and is thus distributed throughout the room. A manually adjustable attachment piece allows the adjustment of the outflow direction.


The SALTair_cavallo's mode of operation reduces the water droplet content to a droplet size of 1-10 µm. This is an ideal particle spectrum for use in the upper respiratory tract, which is around 10 μm .


The small brine particles can also penetrate up to the fine bubbles of the lung, thereby stimulating the blood circulation of the pulmonary mucous membranes. Likewise the salt fog developed in the area deposits itself also on the skin and can pain-relieving and antibacterial work.

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Large corner box with open window - SALTair_cavallo @ work

Brine Inhalation - Beneficial and Good

As a natural and non-invasive application, there are hardly any side effects with brine inhalation. Since the inhaled salt particles are not digested by the body as sodium, the risk of high blood pressure does not arise. In principle, not only horses - but also children and elderly people can benefit from this beneficial experience. For people / animals with health restrictions. Please consult a doctor of your confidence.

Inhalation Studies & Sources (in German)



In Zajac' Studie mit 303 Studienteilnehmern (Humanmedizin) gaben insgesamt 93% der Menschen an, sie fühlten sich nach Salzinhalation besser und entspannter.


Magdalena Wodarska und Kollegen untersuchten den Einfluss von mit Salz angereicherter Atemluft auf unterschiedliche Symptombilder (2012). An ihrer Studie nahmen 96 Personen mit Erkrankungen der Atemwege teil und führten jeweils zehn 45-minütige Anwendungen in einer mit Salz angereicherten Umgebung durch. Schleimhautentzündungen innerhalb der Lunge reduzierten sich bei 35% der Patienten, vollständige Symptomverringerung trat bei 49% der Betroffenen auf, bei 16% konnte keine Veränderung beobachtet werden. Menschen mit Halsentzündungen profitierten ebenfalls von salzhaltiger Luft. 55% der Patienten waren beschwerdefrei, 42% erlebten eine deutliche Verringerung der Symptome, 3% profitierten nicht von der Salzinhalation.



  • Wodarska, Magdalena & Rudzińska, Aleksandra & Witkoś, Joanna & Nowakowska, Iwona & Dąbrowska, Jolanta & Gęgotek, Iwona & Szydłak, Dorota. (2012). Prophylaxis and treatment within some pulmonary problems using salt-iodine caves. 235-242.
  • Zajac J, Bojar I, Helbin J, Kolarzyk E, Owoc A. Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(1):124-7. PMID: 24738510.